A healthy city needs sustainable buildings, resilient systems, effective infrastructure, and harmony between people, industry, and the environment.
Cities in the Age of Experience
3D models and virtual simulations can greatly benefit any dynamic, complex system—especially a city.
Secure a Resilient Future
Cities and industry must develop plans to continuously revitalize themselves and to respond to disasters, environmental change, and threats to security. Fortifying the stability of a dynamic city requires modeling above and beneath the surface, quantifying the resources on hand today, asking “what if” to explore potential scenarios, and maximizing how you use and replenish resources for tomorrow.
To capture the virtualized life of Singapore, we need to give the right data, to the right people, at the right level, at the right time.
George Loh
Director, National Research Foundation Programmes Directorate, Virtual Singapore Project
Respect the Value of a Beautiful City
Modernize the Process of Urban Growth
NWe would not be able to attain the level of control and detail required to complete the Botswana Innovation Hub without the 3DEXPERIENCE technologies
John Cerone
Associate Principal, SHoP Architects
Maximize Project Outcomes
The project-based nature and fragmentation of the AECO industry makes it difficult for civil design and construction team to standardize on an integrated platform and efficiently share information. Plus, competitive bidding practices and functional silos lead to padded estimates and poor outcomes.
A more scientific process for construction requires dissecting traditional industry practices and rethinking assumptions about the bidding process, collaboration norms, execution, and how to exchange information. Owners must be in the loop. Innovations like prefabrication, virtual design and construction, 4D modeling, and real-time project management tools are empowering teams to build it once and build it right.
Simulations were critical for analyzing the assembly of the full structure and all the components of the building. We found the fastest way to construct it by optimizing the full project delivery process.
Javier Glatt
Co-founder and CEO, CadMakers
Create Collectively
Traditional approaches to engaging business leaders and residents are not able to sustain current demands for growth. Plus, increasing connectivity creates an expectation of greater public participation in shaping the urban environment. Cities that embrace collaborative 3D technologies to collect and manage publicly available data will be able to improve decision making, delivery of services, and communication among stakeholders.
We need to give the right data to the right people at the right level at the right time.
George Loh
Director, National Research Foundation Programmes Directorate, Virtual Singapore Project
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