Food & Beverage

Accelerate growth and meet consumer demand for ‘healthier’ while driving sustainability initiatives and regulatory compliance for maximum efficiency.


Deliver on Consumer Demand for ‘Healthier’

Consumers in all regions are increasingly interested in health issues and this outlook is shaping which products and brands they choose to purchase. Many (CPG) manufacturers are responding by reformulating old brands and launching trendy new ones to align their portfolio for growth.

We see this trend being driven by all generations, but I think particularly the younger generations, who are demanding new and different benefits from the ingredients in their foods.

Joseph Gottschalk

Vice President of Nutrition Insights for PepsiCo


Provide Product Transparency and Safety

Labeling and ingredients regulations are getting more complex for food and beverage manufacturers in the CPG industry to manage. Regulations are often different from one country to another and each region must verify compliance with local laws. This complexity presents a problem that can dramatically slow down global launches.

El 43 % de las empresas de nutrición han afirmado que la normativa de la UE, cada vez más restrictiva, es el mayor reto al que se enfrentan.



Creating More Value Through Sustainability Initiatives

More consumers are responding to products that reflect their desire to live a healthier lifestyle. A key area is the sustainability of packaging as consumers want materials that are gentler to the earth. In turn, many companies have internal efforts to drive sustainable portfolios with regard to packaging materials and production methods like blue manufacturing.


Find Growth in Food & Bev Despite Rising Commodity Costs

As particular ingredients increase in cost, food and beverage companies must look at reformulation of their ingredients in order to maintain or improve internal margins. Many food and beverage companies are driving ‘design for cost’ strategies and implementing multi-plant cost optimization by leveraging raw materials availability in different plants around the world at the lowest cost. But companies need to also be mindful that cost-cutting initiatives, while critical, can be short-lived and must also be complemented by identifying and taking advantage of marketplace opportunities.

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